The transformation

 I found myself on the wings of a beautiful butterfly of different colors and next to me, there was this being of light … “” I make you fly on the wings of this beautiful butterfly to be able to transmit to you this message of peace and transformation. At this time of year, you all feel that, through some physical and psychological symptoms, you feel that something is changing around you and in you. For the more sensitive and therefore more conscious people, it will be a little more painful, because they must try to free themselves from their thick layer, they must release what does not vibrate with the old convictions, nor with the old patterns of thought and of behavior. This means that you who are already bathing in the fourth dimension will have more and more access to these divine gifts that awaken more and make you feel different from the mass of people. I am talking about you, my sister and you, my brother, who now realize this transformation and therefore must fervently accept the hard things to live. By accepting them, you will allow time to control everything and, remaining in faith, everything will settle in its place but you will move into another phase of the divine evolution. You my sister and you my brother, who in this period you struggle or you suffer, do not get discouraged, never give up, because what you live now or that you feel in you, is a passing phase of your life and if you understand it you can throw it behind your back. Every symptom, every test that you live, accept it, also thank the source for bringing it to life, and also understand that, thanks to that, you grow in grace and make your way to the longest and most beautiful journey of your life. I know that it is not always easy to suffer and to miss something, but I know that everything can be exceeded by staying in the faith. When you feel sad or suffering, think that our Creator will give you eternal life in well-being. Now you saw what was destined for your evolution and, in this period of profound transformation of nature, everything increases in intensity. Once you have understood it and accepted it with an open heart, I have already told you that you will have reached the fifth dimensional doors … No one will have to stay forever in the third dimension of the earth, everyone must evolve, only time will do its work. Even the one who resists today will have to give up his primitive way of thinking and performing such primitive actions: it will take a little time but everyone will have to change and transform … You start now. Your friend the archangel Zaphiel “”

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